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  • Sister, can you spare a minute?

    When we think about becoming more physically active we often overestimate the time we need to allocate for such an important task.

    We convince ourselves that in order to get a good workout we need a big block of time. And we think anything less may not be worth the effort.

    Don’t believe it, because it simply isn’t true.

    All movement matters. And it is to our advantage to move, with vigor, as often as we can, even if it’s only for a few minutes at a time.

    The ideal, of course, is to engage in an activity which gets our heart pumping for 30 minutes at least 5 times a week. That’s what the Surgeon General tells us as well as many other reputable authorities.

    The benefits to us in terms of improved cardiovascular health, reduced risks of diabetes and some cancers, not to mention, lower blood pressure and reductions in stress levels (and much, much more) are well documented.

    The healthiest mindset is one in which we not only think often about getting out of our chair but convert that thinking into action. Some of our healthiest of habits can be created (and reinforced) in a just a few minutes.

    Don’t have time for a long walk at lunch? A short walk around the block can have a tangible effect on our health, including what it does for us mentally.

    Don’t have time to go to the fitness center? You might be surprised at all the stuff you can do with a water jug (it weighs about 8lbs when full) at home, especially during commercials.

    There are many ways to ratchet up our activity levels and some of the best among them can be done in short bursts, in or around the house and office.

    They simply require a commitment to move and a willingness to be open to creative ways of being physically active.

    Give some thought to the many ways you can increase your activity level ‘where you are, with what you’ve got‘.

    Let me know how you personally stay physically active. I’d love to hear your strategies and will gladly share them with others with your permission

    Make your move, starting today!

    Head Coach

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