Challenge thy self!
With spring officially upon us, we have no reason to put off the things we told ourselves we were going to begin when winter was over.
You know, like getting healthier and being more physically active.
What do you say we get started – for real this time!
Might I suggest a simple 30-day challenge.
Think in terms of one single behavior which, if done consistently over the course of the next month, will enhance your well-being in the fullest sense of the term.
Some examples would be to:
- Walk at lunch or after work.
- Eliminate dessert after dinner.
- Add fruit to every meal.
- Spend a few minutes meditating every day.
- Shut off electronic devices for a few hours of the day.
When you stop to think about it, the possibilities are endless.
If you want to increase the chances you will be successful in the challenge, it will help to:
- Keep it simple; a single quantifiable action is best.
- Make sure it is something you can do at least once a day; the more often the better, as frequent reinforcement can help turn it into a long term habit.
- Figure out the best way to track your follow through, using an app or digital device. Simply checking it off the calendar will also do.
- Devise a way to keep your chosen behavior in the forefront of your consciousness. If it’s not on your radar throughout the day (via sticky notes or a reminder app, for example) it will probably get lost in the busyness of the life.
- Enlist the support of someone who will encourage you and even help to hold you accountable when needed over the next month. A workout buddy is ideal.
Something tells me a month from now I’m going to be hearing about some new healthy behaviors that many of you have adopted.
As an added bonus, you can expect to acquire a nice bit of added confidence in your abilities to take on a challenge and succeed.
That’s how momentum grows, taking on one challenge at a time and experiencing success by our willingness to see it through.
Happy spring, everybody! Have fun in the challenge!
Head Coach