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  • Summer trifecta

    Summer trifecta, you wonder. No, it was not a horse race.

    It was something far more poetic and beautiful to witness.

    It began in June when my 5 year old granddaughter Liana, defied the laws of gravity and learned how to ride a bike. I’m smiling, just thinking about what an amazing kid she is.

    Shortly thereafter, it was 46 year old Claude, finding the courage (harder to summon as we get older) to learn a skill as foreign to him as our strange language and culture (see my last two posts for a little background). With a persistence exceeding anything I’ve ever seen, he found a way to stay upright on a strange contraption long enough for the laws of physics to kick in and provide him enough momentum to prove to him that yes, it is possible to ride a bike.

    Which brings us to the third leg of the trifecta which happened last week, while on vacation with my family at good old Cape Cod.

    Enter 7 year old granddaughter Chloe, feeling a lot of pressure to learn how to ride without training wheels so she could catch up to her younger sister. Talk about competition.

    Prior to last week, every time I would ask Chloe (an incredibly engaging child) if she wanted to go out and learn how to ride a bike, she would come up with some reason why it was not a good time for her.

    Did I recognize her fear of falling, or worse, not being able to keep up with her sister? You bet I did.

    Plenty of times in life I’ve said ‘no’ to a challenge which might enable me take a quantum leap – often because I was afraid I could/would not succeed. On the surface I may have convinced myself there were reasons why it wouldn’t work out (you know, the rational me). Deep down, though (and sometimes realized only in hindsight), it was fear which held me back.

    It’s a great reminder of how our beliefs influence our behaviors in a big way.

    Can’t help but think of the oft quoted comment of Henry Ford: “Whether you think you can or can’t, you’re right.”

    Fortunately for Chloe, at a certain point (fairly early in the vacation, I’m happy to say) her trust in herself exceeded her fear of pain and/or failure. She got on her two-wheeled horse and when she did…

    Magic happened!

    And life will never be the same.

    If you haven’t gotten on a bicycle in a while, I hope you’ll get yours out of the stable, dust it off and get back in touch with your inner child (the most carefree part, anyway) by going for a ride.

    As you get reacquainted with the wonder of a two wheeler, balancing in a way that seems miraculous, and feeling the air moving across your face and body, you will instantly be transported to another world, the world of possibility.

    Enjoy the ride, my friend!


    P.S. Stay tuned for my announcement next week of this year’s “A New You in September” program. With summer winding down, it’s a natural time to look ahead to a new season with hope and resolve to start some new habits. I will be offering a special coaching package which will include daily text messages, inspiring emails, weekly coaching calls, and personalized support in a way that’s right for you. Give some thought to how I can best help you achieve some very important health goals. I think you’ll find the upcoming coaching offer to be just what the doctor ordered.

    1. Betty Lynne Wolfson

      Betty Lynne Wolfson

      August 11, 2017 at 10:32 am -

      The power of language and thought, and overcoming fear, Life Changers for sure! How can we, respectfully, help others who perpetually sabotage their life’s successes with that trilogy?
      With our loving support, I guess.

      Thanks for the Henry Ford quote, yep, as powerful as can be are our thoughts

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